Preparing Young Beneficiaries to Handle an Inheritance
Dealing with the loss of a loved one is never easy. In addition to the emotional challenges of loss, many people are thrust into dealing with financial complexities. This can ... -
Time to Revisit Your Cash Strategy
Now may be a great time to consider revisiting your cash reserve strategy. After years of holding short term interest rates at or near zero, the Federal Reserve has raised ... -
The 5 Biggest Financial Mistakes Small Business Owners Make
The number of small businesses in the United States continues to rise. In fact, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are 29.6 million small businesses employing an additional ... -
Smart ways to buy the worst depreciating assets
Purchases that bring excitement to your life are often detrimental to your wallet. New automobiles, boats, planes, RVs and other similar assets are well known for being depreciating assets – ... -
Critical Steps to Take Before Choosing to Retire
Determining the most ideal time to retire is no easy task. In fact, transitioning from a typical workweek and paycheck to the uncertainty associated with how your life will change ... -
Auto Leasing VS Buying
Should you purchase or lease your next vehicle? Auto buyers often have preconceived notions about whether it is better to lease or buy a vehicle. While there has never been ... -
4 Smart Ways to Invest Your Tax Refund
If you are expecting a tax refund this year, you are not alone. According to the IRS, 155 million tax returns are expected to be filed in 2018 with 70 ... -
Financial Considerations For Age Gap Marriages
Deciding who to share your life with is usually based upon factors other than retirement planning. After all, most couples do not begin their relationship by considering strategies for claiming ... -
What to do if you are missing cost basis information
As 2017 came to a close, many investors made last minute choices regarding the sale and purchase of various securities. From tax loss harvesting to rebalancing and profit taking after ... -
Smart Money Moves to consider for 2018
If you find yourself considering resolutions for the New Year, you are not alone. From health and wellness to a full financial make-over, New Year’s resolutions are quite common. ...